A great work. It can be described as the template or foundation of the series.

A clear article explaining the history of this game before it was created. (It is in Japanese.)

Of course, it's not "particularly" interesting to play now. But it's a great game. (So I hesitate to give it a star/rating.) Without this game, the MOTHER series and the Pocket Monsters series would never have been born.

The majority of NES games at the time of release usually had no consideration for the player.
It was needlessly difficult, mean-spirited and had no intention of entertaining the player. That was the normal game at the time. It was a time when normal was not normal. (The exception was The Legend of Zelda?)

Yuji Horii may not be appreciated outside Japan, but he's probably as great as Shigeru Miyamoto.
When it comes to difficulty, the feeling of playing, and making adjustments that are very difficult to put into words, there is no one like him. One word: genius.

Reviewed on Oct 05, 2021
