Comix Zone is a classic. No one can argue otherwise. It was an amazing game, and it still is today.

I have to start this review by talking about its art. The game is beautiful. It could be an indie game released for modern consoles. It's really impressive to see this game on the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. The fact that they decided to create a game that takes place in a comic book helped to prevent it from feeling dated.

Unfortunately, the combat is a problem. The enemies somehow know what you're going to do before you do it. Additionally, sometimes you have to destroy certain items to move forward, but doing so causes you to lose HP! That's why this game is really difficult, and if you die, you have to start from the beginning. There are no checkpoints!

That's why I would say it's almost impossible to finish this game today without save states. It's a short game, but it's nearly impossible to complete it on its original console.

I think you should give Comix Zone a chance if you have the game. You can play it on Nintendo Switch Online or another emulator. Don't let the difficulty be an issue for you, because if you use a save state, you won't have a problem finishing it.

Reviewed on Jan 12, 2023
