44 reviews liked by LoboRundas

(9-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

This dog caused the fallout of Chernobyl. This dog owes the family $100,000,000. This dog is the devil himself.

It's cute but short. Buh-bye!

This is regarding Two Memories. I have not finished the 2nd game yet, but I have a few comments on it. I played it with my partner, since I had already played it back in the day so she could have the full experience, now, did she?

- Pros: the game looks really nice. I don't mind some lower textures here and there, it looks pretty in some spots, especially some of the rooms, and it highlights some of the game's emotional scenes.

- Cons: they butchered some really important details about the Edward family. There's no way around it, they are important since their conflict is half of the game and this iteration removes information about them. The core conflict isn't clear or nuanced enough for a first time player and it downplays some of its emotional moments like the Thomas-Henry fight, finding D's shoes or the ending itself.

Couple this with a few dissapointing puzzles and no, you don't get the same experience of playing the original. A similar one, yeah, but not the same.

No voy a dar nota a muchos juegos, este siendo uno de ellos porque no creo que le diese la que se merece. Tengo unos cuantos problemas importantes que han impedido que me gustase tanto como esperaba que fuese a hacerlo.

Aún así, buen jueguico, no sigue nada mal la estela de los juegos de acción de hace un par de generaciones que acababan siendo hidden gems.

Only posting this review to tell you that peak mid is back on GOG. Go play it.

I was going to give this a 10/10 for some top tier old man yaoi but apparently, it’s not actually old man yaoi and is instead just an old man Russian taunt????? Fuck that shit

The complete opposite of Xenoblade 1. The story was uninteresting for about 70% of its runtime, but the combat is amazing. So complex, it took me 20 hours to actually understand all of this games systems. But it was a blast. I would actively look for overworld boss battles just to fight more.
Also. Zeke and Mórag>>>>> Rex and Tora. Sorry

Una paja a la persa es una buena paja, es una paja muy gustosa porque del gusto que te da en la daga te saca mucha arena de los orbes y te alivia bastante. Es muy gustosa y consiste en que yo veo el culo a Vahram y se me ponen los huevos que me explotan y a continuacion me voy al árbol wakwak del monte Qaf y me escondo y se creen que estoy cambiando los amuletos pero es que me estoy haciendo una paja a la persa. Yo voy y me siento en las raices y me saco la daga que esta empalma y con el filo brillante y cojo papel, mucho papel y me envuelvo la daga toda ella como si fuera un cilindro y entonces cojo el dosificador de arena quetio este copypaste es MUY puto largo hacer esta broma es un coñazo

que el juego ta mu bien

¿La traducción? Impecable.

¿El juego? Pecable.

One of the most addicting games to play! When you've got a little time to kill, it's the perfect game to hop on for a few rounds.

This was my introduction to Tetris, as I was picking up things to learn during the lockdown in 2020. This game being a battle royale really is where the fun is at! Its thrilling to try your best to aim for the top, even beginners like I was will find it really fun to figure out your strategy for holding out as long as you can! As often as I've played, I've haven't managed to snag that #1 yet. And its still fun to keep trying anyway.

Super creative platformer. It's a bit jank at times but easily forgivable. I can see how the final level must have been hell in the original version, so I'm glad its difficulty was toned down a bit in the Steam version

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