I continue in my quest to play every game Josh Sawyer cited as inspiration for Pentiment. Oxenfree definitely knows what it's trying to do, its a sort of teen coming of age story with a paranormal twist, like Stand By Me got made into an episode of X-Files.

In general I think its... fine? I enjoyed my time with it well enough, the music was good and the character dialogue was good for what its was trying to be? I.e American teenager movie dialogue. Its sits more on the VN side of the adventure game spectrum, the puzzles are mostly just "find the right radio frequency" but the dialogue choices are oddly timed, sometimes characters will interrupt each other in unnatural ways and whilst the slow walking speed is clearly meant as a pacing tool, this seemingly did not account for a few instances in which your companion will basically say nothing at all until you hit the predetermined checkpoint.

I think Pentiment had the right idea in making your choices influence the outcome of dice rolls, the combination of RPG and adventure game really does mesh well but here the dialogue choices seem kind of... opaque? Like I was really not sure if I was meant to be gaming the outcomes or choosing naturally but the ending was kind of a mess for this aspect. The "negative" outcomes felt undeserved and the "positive" ones unearned.

I guess I liked it more than Night In The Woods, mainly cause of the faster pace and more sympathetic characters, and at least had the decency to be brief.

There are two types of games (and movies, books, etc) in this world, not good or bad but games which I will remember and games which I will have forgotten about in a week's time. And I guess the harshest thing I can say about Oxenfree is whilst fine, I will definitely forget about it sooner than most.

Reviewed on May 26, 2023


11 months ago

while i'm far from finishing the game, i'd love to see the inspirations for Pentiment you mentioned for later reading!!

11 months ago

@01156 Of course. JSawyer actually posted a reading list with the main literary inspirations and real life history. You can have them here https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2022/11/10/recommended-reading-of-medieval-history-from-josh-sawyer/.

As for Games he mentioned Night In The Woods as the chief inspiration but also Oxenfree, Mutazione, Darklands and Disco Elysium.

11 months ago

@LordDarias thank you dearly!!!

11 months ago

If you're also reading along with the inspirations, The Cheese and The Worms is a wonderful little book that has a bit more of an obvious presence in Pentiment than Oxenfree. Still gotta read The Faithful Executioner though.

11 months ago

@BeauTartep yes Ive heard good things about it, it seems fascinating, a story of a weird heretic. Unfortunately I'm still kind of hung up on ebooks and pdfs and I would much rather be able to read it in physical form, hunting down a copy is proving difficulty unfortunately

10 months ago

@titledSheepChase yeah I was mostly referring to those. Admittedly Ive only played the game once, but idk the way those choices played out seemed kind of... messy? Its hard to explain beyond "I just didnt like how it was executed".

10 months ago

@titledSheepChase yeah, I think you've hit the nail on the head, exactly. I was taken aback when nona and ren didnt get together and apparently it was my fault lmao? I didnt tell either of them not to go for it or anything

10 months ago

@titledSheepChase lmao. When Jonas and Ren were having their asshole-off I just went with Nona, but she had significantly less dialogue than the others so maybe the game wanted me to pick someone else. Still dont know why Clarissa lived exactly and why she's friends with me all of a sudden. Yeah Ren just seems to hate you unless you just completely obey his commands even though he does some very dumb stuff in general