I don't think I like this one as much as the original, but it's hard to argue that it's not an overall improvement. More robust movesets, power-ups, stronger animation, varied environments, more enemies, and lots of fun little interactions make this a more engaging playthrough, even if it is about as interminably long (129 Days this time). I like the end-of-level rating system, and I have to imagine that gives multiplayer a fun competitive lean.

There are a few key downsides, though. First is the ability to punch adjacent buildings. Since you can only focus on one building at a time, you lose a lot of the original's strategy. Second, lives don't last you nearly as long. This mostly comes down to far, far more aggressive and powerful enemies chewing through your lives. I shudder to think how much it would've cost me if I hadn't done this in free play. Third, more subjectively, I don't really like the visuals. I know this is the direction the series takes from here on out, but I've always liked the more classic designs than these Xeriouxly Forxe takes on the characters. Oh well. You also lose the more mellow vibe of the original, but you probably don't want that as the tone of your kaiju brawler.

Also, it ends on a boob joke. If you were a pubescent, so-inclined kid in '97, was it worth it?

Reviewed on May 03, 2023
