I think this game is pretty cool, even if bare bones. Excited to see what the developers do next!

I'm very happy this game became as successful as it did, it really deserves it. My only complaint in the end is that its a little short, but that's understandable given the limited resources of the developers. Can't wait to see what they do next!

that little superhot mechanic was pretty fun I will admit

geez, if I had been just litttle older, I absolutely would have been swept up by the games fandom

I had a lot of fun with this game! though it was kinda hard!



this game is just very nice in every way, may revisit it one day

I know some people like this game a lot and I respect that!

As foolosh as it may be this is kinda my comfort game

this game is such a nice sandbox, just man, floating around, going on little planets, having fun. Stuffs good