Gameplay is fun. Starshards are great for boosting growths and making busted units. FE3/NM have some of my favorite maps in the game. Idk if this was a NM difficulty thing, but this games last couple chapters are Uber easy. In NM there's dragons up your ass. In FE3 there's nothing. Both books are fun gameplay wise but story wise, apart from an occasional good moment it really isn't that entertaining or interesting. Also as a Kris Stan I was interested in seeing how kris "ruins" the game. They do not. "boohoo jeigan loses some dialogue" well kris' convos actually flesh out the #nothing archanea characters and provides some very entertaining and interesting dialogue. Also the gaiden story of Kris' I like a lot so it not being here is unfortunate. Book one's endgame is a great map. Tough in the right way. Anri's way->tiki chapter is some of my favorite FE chapters. UI is bad. Staff not being the first prompt fot clerics and havung to Route the cursor around obstacles sucks. Regardless of whatever I said before. FE3 is fun.

Reviewed on Nov 23, 2021
