A simple enough game that doesn't take too long to beat, but doesn't add too much in that short runtime either. John Wick Hex is very stylistic in both graphics and gameplay, and I did enjoy the neon aesthetic that harkens back to the movies. Where the game begins to fall apart for me is in the mixed bag of a gameplay system. At times, when it worked, it really worked, and I honestly did feel like I was choreographing these action segments with ease. This was helped by the option to view back your gameplay in a more cinematic style, an addition I really appreciated. However, those moments felt a little sparse compared to the moments of clunky movement and awkward positioning, which oftentimes brought more frustration than enjoyment. Moving on from gameplay, the voice acting was overall very good, an obvious standout would be Troy Baker's performance as Hex. The writing of the dialogue felt reminiscent of the Wick movies, and that was always enjoyable, but these cutscenes served more as a scene setter than anything else, considering the length of the game, the little emphasis on the story is understandable. Overall, John Wick Hex is a game where, when it works, it is a genuinely fun ride, however, this experience is marred by a lot of clunky gameplay and the story is too sparse to separate those unenjoyable moments.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2023
