27 reviews liked by Marthisuy



ooooh man i wanted to see the fish man up close...

in all seriousness, i feel like some of the interactive novel bits could have been swapped in favor of something more akin to a walking simulator or just cut. some sections just felt dragged out, and replacing those with some type of interactivity would have helped to keep the player interested (or me personally, at least). this and the camera constraints for each scene made the environments feel underutilized.
i can't really comment on the audio, i had a weird issue with the narration sounding weirdly balanced and compressed when using headphones. i'm not completely sure what caused the funkiness, when playing with my laptop speakers instead it sounded fine. I did enjoy the narration, it's at the level of a good audio book. the music adds nice ambience, but is otherwise forgetful.

overall, it's a good introduction to lovecraft's works, but know it's more of a kinetic visual novel more than anything.

What Remains of Edith Finch (2017): Me inicié en los walking simulator con Firewatch, y este no se queda lejos y ofrece un ejercicio narrativo excelente. A nivel técnico varios bugs y cuelgues, pero una historia y (sobre todo) una forma de contarla genial (7,70)

how the fuck did layton know the emotional backstory of a fucking dinosaur

Imagine if Mario still died by falling a few feet lmao

(Copy pasted from a Discord post I made in July 2020)
Overall, a damn good and damn hard (especially near the end) game. Worth your time, especially if your new to this sort of thing (me).

La historia es interesante y se notan los toques de inspiración directa de Twin Peaks. El gameplay, no obstante, es aburrido y muy repetitivo, explotando una sóla mecánica durante las diez horas que dura el juego. Gráficamente ha envejecido genial.

A lot of people on here seem to think that this is A Realm Reborn. This is actually the vanilla release of Final Fantasy XIV before it got taken offline. You can no longer play this version of the game, so you're just gonna have to trust me when I say it was a boring, grindy unplayable mess. Even Square seems to think so, since they nuked this version of the game off the map and built the foundations for a Realm Reborn on its ashes. It's quite an interesting saga. Final Fantasy XIV went from one of the worst games I've ever played to perhaps my favorite MMO over the course of a decade. But this version of the game was just awful.

this games ending is like being punched a million times and it just wont let you get up. it wraps up the story, the characters, and their struggles nicely, while leaving a sense they might explore this world again

Good story
Good characters
Good locations
and as always, pixel remaster makes everything better.

Un jueguecito de puzles de equilibrio super majo con un OVNI muy gracioso y una estética pixel art cuquísima. Está bien perrón.