Replaying this after we lost the late Kevin Conroy. Holy shit this game was awesome. The music, the graphics, the combat's...a little clunky but ok. But man, the story! It's so fucking good.

Kevin Conroy as Batman and Mark Hamill as Joker in this epic game is the selling point for me. Everyone else is brilliant too. I just loved this game. It's not the best gameplay wise in the series but it is still a strong game.

RIP Kevin Conroy. You will always be the best Batman. And proof that live-action is not always the best interpretation of a character or franchise.

Fun fact. This was gonna Mark Hamill's last performance as the Joker. But he came back for Arkham Knight so it's all good. Haha!

Protocol 10 will commence in 10 hours. God I love that line. This game rocks!

Reviewed on Nov 30, 2022
