I mean this in the nicest way possible: I would LOVE to see if the creators chilled out a bit. The game's fine and a challenging mystery but I constantly think about the description on the Turnabout Substitution website that's like "the standard ALL ace attorney games should be measured against."

Calm the FUCK down, dude.

Reviewed on Jun 22, 2021


1 year ago

The whiplash I got from reading those comments then starting the game up and seeing all the dated memes & out of character dialogue lol... Second half was honestly great but it felt like the first investigation at least was written by a different, much younger person. I liked it in the end but I will never forget drunk Apollo LiveJournal monologing or getting RickRolled by Phoenix

1 year ago

Its really weird to think about how fangame standards have changed so drastically over the years. Like, I'm sure its just part of how young those people often are, but goddamn its hard going back to it.