There really just isn't enough here for how long it lasts. The premise is great for about an hour, then it begins to wane. I was hoping for a feeling of properly corrupting the place. The idea of spreading your poison throughout. But it's more about just floating around munching stuff and flipping switches.

I got that thing where after a while I didnae see myself as a monster attacking humans fleeing for their lives. My eyes glazed over and I was just a generic blob absorbing wee squares that were moving around. I kept waiting for a moment of getting bigger and bigger, bursting out to the surface at 100 times your initial size and beginning to move across the globe as a credits stinger hits. But naw. Go down the corridor, flip the switch, eat the dudes, repeat.

It's never a good sign when you find yourself googling "How to beat x" and the top result is an article titled just that, and is about two paragraphs long, one of which is the writer going "This is poorly signposted". That's what ye get for not putting a map in yer game of hallways.

Reviewed on Sep 18, 2021
