It's great when games are happy to bring in new mechanics out of nowhere and discard them just as quickly. No need to drag it out, just enjoy the wee new thing then move onto the next. Love that confidence.

Man, that last line fuckin' hits. Looking forward to replaying 3 for the first time since release. I think I loved it back then, but I was 22 and a fool.

Still trying to figure out this name stuff.

I wonder how the other scientists feel about Rosenberg having a higher fidelity head than them.









Just shut the fuck up and take lives, you silly wee bitch.

Combat remains rotten, but man oh man is everything else great.

Mercifully easier to navigate than the first game. Still excellently written and beautifully performed. I could listen to Raziel and Kain shit-talk each other for hours. But more than anything, that ending has me reeling. I wish there had been a camera on my face for the last hour when I realised exactly what was happening. God damn it just hurts even more now that the series is dead.

I think this is what people mean when they describe something as being "reddit".

I have fallen deeply in love with Manon Gage.

[humming the RoboCop theme with tears in my eyes]

They fuckin' nailed it.

I really tried to give it a fair shake, but 6 hours in I am just so deeply bored. Everything is grey. Magic parkour is kinda cool, but not across the same grey rocks again and again until you hit something just a bit too high and have to spam circle to dash up it a bit at a time. A grey city filled with grey people. Grey lands filled with grey zombies and grey wolves. Maybe that changes later, but I'll never see it. The magic combat is nice visually, but feels so flaccid. No oomph to it.

Telepathically chucking pebbles at a corrupted bear aye? Fuck me.

Ten minutes was all it took to know exactly what this is.

No thank you.

Nothing screams Silent Hill like running through a maze of sticky notes with "UGLY" and "DUMB IDIOT" scrawled on them over and over again, chased by some insta-kill enemy.

This is pretty much every first-person PC indie horror game you've played a thousand times before, but if they managed to sell it to Konami.

The story is kind of nothing, and yer man moves far too slow for stealth to be anything but a chore, but poppin' Nazi skulls and scrotes from 300 meters just keeps me coming back.

This game has occasionally drifted into my mind for the past 22 years because I played it quite a lot on an OG Xbox demo disc way back in the day, and what with VTMB making me a partial fan of this World of Darkness, and me getting a Series X, I knew had to finally give it a proper go.

Every single moment I spent those 22 years thinking of this game would have been better used just staring at a wall.

It's janky as hell. The bad kind of janky. Enemies spawn directly in your path and are already attacking you before the model appears. It stops you dead in your tracks every single time. If enemies get too close to you, your bullets go right through them and you have to step away to connect a shot. Almost everything stunlocks you with a single hit, so you can regularly get surrounded by only 3 zombies and have to keep jumping to hope you can squeeze between their hitboxes and escape.

I get now why the only WoD series you ever hear about is Vampire: The Masquerade.