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I'm definitely in the first game's boat here. Everything outside the speed stages is questionable, and these take up much more of the game than they did last time.

Live and Learn on the final boss will never not be awesome though.

Enjoyed this way more than I expected to. They really could've been onto something if they tried to explore more with Sonic's control scheme here instead of stacking more gimmicks in subsequent games.

Has a lot of what I loved from the golden era of RPGs, but the characters and writing don't quite reach that level. The soundtrack also ranges from bland to outright insufferable.

Great first attempt at an ingenious formula. Feels like a logical progression of the classic Sonic gameplay loop. I wish they expanded more on the concept.

Played through the Director's Cut. The moment when things started going wrong for the series.

Proof that characters and music are enough to get you by in a lot of cases.

The padded bosses are very blatantly done to mask the low zone count.

I feel sorry for anyone who was genuinely excited for this.

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I'm still very happy this game exists. While it's disappointing how old levels are the majority; most of the have fun twists, while the new ones take inspiration from the best of 3 and CD.

I wish the ending didn't tie into Forces though.

The culmination of what was learned in the previous three games. Some of the highest highs in all of 2D Sonic, while the lows are kept in check.

Actually playing the game was fun. Now to go back to endlessly speculating about its dev history.

This would've been a 4/5 if it weren't for Metallic Madness.

The core game loop is inherently great, though some zones (Marble in particular) make me wonder about meeting the design goal of speeding through levels you wish you could skip.

Easily the best game in the series since 2012, but the iffy writing and some blatant "busywork" hold it back. I'd love to see more entries like this further down the line.

Even if you separate the game from the controversy that surrounded it, it's just plain boring.