de putisimos locos el ultimo caso lo que un poco rara la escena de wright y edgeworth teniendo sexo anal durante 20 minutos

me recuerda a las palizas que me pegaba mi padre de pequeño

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 sonic omens 六四天安門事件 tails tornado 天安門大屠殺 chris sonic x 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 exiled that was your bad omen 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 the devs sexualised a 12 year old girl in the internal files 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 tails voice 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 christopher tombstone 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

even though this is clearly not the best they could do and the game shouts cheapness at your face, for some reason i really enjoyed it. klonoa 1 is one of my favourites of all time and even though it doesnt even come close to the ps1 level of quality, i still enjoyed it. a big problem i had when playing klonoa 2 is i thought it was prety ugly for a ps2 game, but with time got used to the plain textures and weird colour and ended up loving the aesthetic (also i think not upscaling the game to 1080p in PCSX2 helped me aprecciate the visuals even more). klonoa 2 is a lot more polished than 1 in this remasters, but in some cases it was really weird for me, some textures seemed like a texture pack some dude made in 2011 and it just looks wrong. other times it just looks beatiful, i'd say mira-mira mountain and maze of memories is where the visuals of this remaster shine the brightest. also most of the textures in klonoa 1 are just upscaled versions of the wii or just the same low resolution texture without upsacling, which look awful.

i think the problem here was the budget namco gave to the devs, cause there's a lot of changes that they could have just not do like changing every cutscene in klonoa 1 to match the ps1 script or add those extra details to the klonoa 2 ending. these devs really cared about making a good product, but it seems rushed in a lot of ways. another thing i think almost nobody said is the castilian spanish translation is incredibly bad, it seems extremely rushed or some kind of misscomunication between teams because i cannot comprehend how someone could translate lines with its literal sense without testing if it even makes sense in 2022. klonoa 1 psx had this problem too but in 1997 this was extremely common, and the klonoa 2 spanish translation was perfectly fine, it didn't need another translation but they did it anyways. i'm not sure if this is a problem in other european languages or not but this is inacceptable. comment down here if somoene got problems with the frech or italian or german or whatever translation i'm curious now.

even though this collection has all this problems, i've enjoyed it a ton and i couldn't be happier klonoa gets another chance to get revived (even though it doesn't seem very likely having whatched the 0 advertisement this game got) and i'm sure this remasters could have been extremely good with some more time and budget.

quick thing i forgot to mention, the font used in texts is fucking awful and is the same font in every damn thing i hate it.

After playing the Klonoa remasters last year I felt pretty underwhelmed by their quality and lack of care, and after hearing that Monkeycraft would be in charge of this too I was pretty concerned. Fortunately, this remaster is definitely a competent way of experiencing the game, even though I have a fair amount of nitpicks.

Graphic quality has overall increased while some of the original artstyle is not maintained nor preserved correctly. Some examples for this are de-strawberrying Ichigo’s body, having an Incorrect lighting at some levels (especially at night and sunset) or changing the default music for some of the levels. This last one isn’t really a problem per se but I don’t really get why bother changing it in the first place. Some of these were really magical to me, like hearing Angel Rain on the flower and firefly stages or hearing Everlasting Love in the F1 stage. The majority of them are the same between the original and Reroll so it isn’t that bad.

I wasn’t expecting much of the new levels either but left me disappointed anyways. These levels being copies of other existing levels with a skin and color pallet change wasn’t the thing I was expecting at all. The only one I enjoyed was the ghost one I’d say.

But still even with all this I had a blast playing it because after all, it’s still the same Katamari game I fell in love, and I really, really fucking love Katamari, and you should too <3.

rhythm heaven for white american women that smoke weed and listen to clairo

i had to play this at 2x for like 80% of the game. I got gaslighted into thinking this was peak mario rpg when in reality this game loooves wasting your time just to extend playtime.

im extremely dissapointed in this. i've been waiting for this game since 2018 cause the game grabbed my attention with its incredible graphics and top notch pixel-art. but beyond that, there's not much remarkable about this game. I'm not invested in any of the characters (except Sam), the combat is really boring (at least for me, it reminded me a lot to 2D zeldas, which i personally dislike. I don't think they're bad they're just not my cup of tea) and also i've encountered some technical problems such as frame stutters or some minimal graphical bugs. I'm not interested in the slightest on finishing this.

efectivamente; cambia cada diez segundos



he jugado el 1 o sea q he jugado a este tmbn

After so many years of wanting to play this game and I just had to accept that I couldn't play it and my only memory of it was playing the Wii version when I was a 9 year-old, I was so glad to find out that the game was completable in Xenia (outside of a few visual glitches). Still, I’ve played Unleashed Project some time ago and I thought it was outstanding, but that was only (almost) half of the experience.

I wasn’t sure what to expect going in, since I heard an incredibly high amount of different opinions about every part of this game, and to my surprise, almost none of the major problems everyone has with this game affected my experience in any way. The Werehog being the biggest surprise for me. I found these God of War-esque, exploratory, toned down levels incredibly enjoyable in tandem with the superb boost formula, which I think peaked here.

Big reason for these stages to capture me so much are the visuals and music presentation. Finishing a battle, calming down to take a breath, or just admiring the scenery with the silence that follows for a few seconds, and having the music slowly fade in again is one of the small joys that I found playing this game. There were some levels that this was more prevalent than others, Jungle Joyride Night was the prime example of how breathtaking the visuals of this game can be. A far away corner of the world where the night still has a little bit of spark of light, where the deep blue transforms into a thin purple and you are guided by the torches and green lanterns by the docks and little islands, it feels magical. I stopped more than a few times to just see the beautiful world that Sonic was exploring, and the small platforming bits with cool set-pieces like the clock tower you climb in Rooftop Run or the ice slides of Cool Edge were so fun to experience, I just felt mesmerized by this world. This helped me clear the night stages with almost no medal misses, and I didn’t need to replay any stage to get the requirements, even though I think that's probably me having a collectionist problem of wanting to collect everything in every platformer (I cannot replay Banjo without 100% it again). Still, I think the medals required to beat the game should be lowered, the game wouldn’t suffer from it.

Although I wanted to stop and explore the world with the Werehog stages, I didn’t want to stop at all in the day stages. 7th gen aesthetics are at its prime here and it shows, even if the frame rate was sacrificed for it. Every shader possible applied to every piece of terrain making ShinyGrass™ or ShinyRock™ , the primitive real time shadows, the comically high amount of bloom and blur, I just found it cozy and weirdly nostalgic, even having never owned a 360 or a PS3. I doubt I have something interesting that hasn’t been said about these levels, but I still want to say that these are the most fun I had with a Sonic game in a veeeery long time. I'm still on the way to beat every day stage in S rank but the few I've done made me wish this ranking system was present in more boost games.

The biggest pillar of the game is definitely the music. It’s more than obvious that this game’s music is something special, with every piece crafted with an extremely unique vibe that matches the part of the world it tries to represent with a unique twist, this truly is something special. The bossa-nova flair mixed with DnB of Windmill Isle Day with clear blue skies and white and blue greek architecture, the trance induced tropical track of Jungle Joyride Day running across the bluest-est water I’ve seen in a game with falling ruins, the punk rock violin of Rooftop Run Day grinding a rail to the bottom of the clock tower while having a 360º view of all of Spagonia. This game is such a vibe man. The night stages are not far behind the quality of the day stages, giving these cozy, smooth jazzy tunes like the acid jazz groove of Windmill Isle Night or Savannah Citadel Night, or the powerful bass and tubular bells of Cool Edge Night with its shiny blue ice illuminating the cold frozen lands. I just love this soundtrack to death and enhanced a TON my overall experience and it clearly wouldn’t be the same without it. Shoutouts to Endless Possibility for being one of the best vocal themes in all of Sonic and almost making me cry upon hearing it because it made me come back 9 years ago to when I finished Unleashed Wii and hearing it over and over on Youtube.

I obviously have some nitpicks about the game, like Eggmanland being kind of underwhelming and weirdly designed and also too long if you don't know the stage beforehand, or Tails and Amy disappearing from the story despite being there at all times. But I don’t really mind them, this is a clear case of the positives outweighing the negatives by a long mile, at least for me.

This is one of the most important pieces of media I’ve experienced in a long time, blasting with style and soul in every corner of its rough edges, crusted by the media at the time of its release and held together thanks to a passion for the blue blur.

Thank you, Sonic,

I really REALLY didn't think i would like this at all. after just having played sonic's story and dropping it there cause ive been told that the rest sucks, years later i started it again and fell in love with the overall vibe and aesthetic. even though i see every problem that it has i just want to embrace it with love, because i really do see the love that the devs had in this project and that love and care that i feel it has doesn't match with the quality of the final product. we could say the same with a lot of 3d sonics but yeah i can see crystal clear why a lot of people hate this game, but i really fuck with it.