The first 20 or so hours of this game were like crack to me, I just couldn't stop playing to fill out that ever-expanding checklist of things to do to unlock more game mechanics, more weapons, more characters and more levels to do what is essentially some twin-stick shooting but with only one stick.

The gameplay of your weapons automatically firing off as you walk around felt kind of like a tower defense game, except you are the towers with all the weapons you're carrying around. Levelling up and getting stronger to the point of being a "whirlwhind of death" as I've seen it described is a very satisfying feeling.

When you reach the point of not being afraid of not completing a run, but instead patiently waiting to upgrade your character with a sense of inevitable victory the game kind of lost a bit of its charm, and it felt kind of like going through the motions of doing more and more runs just to keep unlocking things, but it kept me playing for about 35 hours before I felt like I had gotten my fill.

There have been two DLC-packs released that I've not checked out, maybe I'll play those in the future if I get the itch.

Reviewed on May 27, 2023
