I just can't keep on playing this game after witnessing Bloodborne and Sekiro, I somewhat don't enjoy the souls games that require an intense amount of rolling and that's probably because I'm shit and prefer the Bloodborne movement and the Sekiro parrying, but the game drags on a lot towards the end, this is one of the games for me where I just said to myself "Alright let's get this over with and just end it." So I pick this game up every few months, played it on release actually and I'm about 90 hours in and I just can't seem to remember why I invested that much time in this game. It isn't for me but maybe someday I'll come back to finally finish this game, but that's what I always tell myself.

Reviewed on Jan 27, 2023


1 year ago

thinking of replaying the ending act of elden ring literally makes me feel nauseous, it was so, so bad... im not sure where you're at in the game, but in my opinion it isn't really worth it at all. It made me feel so sick that i couldnt even touch bloodborne/ds3 for a long while and thats unforgivable, lol

1 year ago

I'm at the crumbling farum azula and honestly it's dragging on for me, 90 hours in and I probably still have another 15 hours

1 year ago

omg yeah do not even bother. farum azula and every boss after is the absolute worst experience fromsoft has ever put out. i hated ds2 but at least it wasnt like this, it stressed me out so bad i just burst out sobbing multiple times and made me feel physically ill. im honestly not sure why theres so many positive reviews for this game, i was just in utter disbelief that the guys who made soul of cinder and gehrman managed to mess up THAT bad.