Before the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a general assumption that rich countries would be more resistant to severe disease outbreaks due to the fact that they have more access to all kinds of medications - I'll admit, I was kinda one of those people that thought that before COVID happened.

Papers like The Economist were even claiming that the UK & the USA were among the "best prepared" for an epidemic (as late as March 2020!!!).

What probably wasn't taken into account was the fact that wealthy people would rather let all The Poors die of disease than lift a finger to help those below them, at least not in a way that wasn't completely self-serving.

Last time I checked, rich countries in Plague Inc. are still the hardest to infect, despite Literally Everything that's happened since COVID, which, ironically, makes the game feel more like a fantasy world where governments of rich countries actually give a shit about their citizens.

Anyway, this game is okay. The gameplay loop is still pretty appealing, even if it feels very surreal to play these days. I'm not a fan of games that double-dip by making you pay money for them up front, while also gating content behind in-app purchases, and Plague Inc. is no exception to this.

Reviewed on Jun 04, 2021
