played this game all the time as a kid, both on PC and on iPad. Even as an adult, knowing it's flaws (like having inconsistent level design), and getting more familiar with the Sonic franchise as a whole, I still have a massive soft spot for this game.

It has an incredible amount of style and creativity, both in terms of it's music & art direction, and as far as 16-bit era Sonic is concerned, I'd say only Sonic 3 & Knuckles can match it in that regard (tho I'd still say S3&K is the better game overall).

And even if the levels can be janky sometimes, Sonic himself is incredibly fun to control, and I get the feeling this is when early-Sonic Team really started to get the hang of what 2D Sonic strengths were, ultimately perfecting it with S3&K.

Also, Metal Sonic is king.

Reviewed on Jun 04, 2021
