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I don't know about anyone else, but I have a long history with this game before it was even released and in addition to how horrendous the game actually is. My added experience makes this top my "worst games of all time" list.

So back in 2014, there was a booth at Pax East for a demo for an upcoming indie game called "Yiik - A Postmodern RPG" and oh boy was I interested in it. So much so that I kept up with it for years on end.

From what I remember the 2014 demo/trailer and the 2016 free demo that was on the ACKK Studios website the game looked much better. The animations were smoother and the shaders looked a lot better and most importantly, the voice acting wasn't implemented yet. This was followed by multiple delays and I just put it on the back burner until a definitive release date dropped.

Now take all the disappointment and vitriol you get from the game just on a blind playthrough without any context, Square it, then Cube it and that would be how much I hate this game.

I don't need to explain what makes the game so detestable, if you're on this page you probably already know about it. This is just my story behind it

Basically this is the closest we'll ever get to "The Room" in video game form