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I feel like it’s more fun to think about how amazing all the ideas in this game are, then to play them, at least for me. Every idea is stretched out too long, some of the boss fights are really finicky and not fun (looking at you moon baboon) and who wants to tear apart a freaking stuffed animal limb by limb! I think me and my brother are the only people who aren’t madly in love with this game. I respect it for how ambitious it is, and the million different mechanics it sort of balances well, it also looks gorgeous and has a whole bunch of fun Easter eggs (except for the Oscar one, how many times does he need to mention that he’s said the f-word?). I do appreciate how much joy this game brings others, and how much of a big step forward it is in co-op gaming, but I honestly didn’t have that much fun with it.

Reviewed on Jul 15, 2021


2 years ago

I quite like some of the co-op mechanics but the writing and characters are awful.
Agreed. The tone is also all over the place.