God awful, there are plenty of powerstone-likes and this one is one of the worse ones.

Our first introduction to the Ganbare Goemon franchise outside of Japan. Though a very good game on its own. I prefer its direct sequel.

A very solid entry, even if it's mostly reused content from previous games.
Having the story be about recycling is thematically clever ngl.

A PC Gaming darling.
On my most recent playthrough I played on the PS3 version which sadly has its technical issues. Still very playable but I would prefer to play the PC version instead.

There is a slight sophistication that I really like about this game. Something I felt was lost in the 2011 sequel.

Here's hoping it gets on GOG some day.

If Treasure went on to make a 3D Platformer.

A platformer that gives you a tool set and says "go on, have fun". It does take a little bit of practice to get the hang of, but when you eventually learn it and can keep a combo going it's incredibly enjoyable .
Does have some tech issues that needs to be sorted out but I had too much fun swinging and rolling that it didn't take away too much from my enjoyment.

It may not completely scratch the Goemon itch on a gameplay front. This is more of an action brawler instead of a rpg light platformer. But the creativity on display is commendable to say the least. The way they take each Japanese prefecture and break down the culture into action stages is really neat to see. It's very much a quality product and I hope good feel are planning on making this a full fledged franchise. Maybe with an fully open 3D world ;) .

Fun little logic puzzle game. Perfect to play on your phone.


Overwatch 2 makes me angry as hell.
It's like the art team forgot how important distinct silhouettes are for a team based shooter. I can't tell who the hell I am looking at half of the time.

And yet I still play the damn thing, fuck.

It's alright though I feel the hands you get should be given out slowly throughout the match instead of just having it instantly in your hand. From the very first second you can start taking damage from shit you can't do anything about.

Maybe I just prefer Phantom Dust for my deck building action game.

I knocked out 158 hours into this game. This game finally felt like a Smash clone that introduced something fresh with its overall game feel and focus on team combinations. It took me some time to get the hang of but when it finally clicked I became an addict to it. I also feel WB library makes for a rich and varied cast of characters to pick from.

That's why it's so infuriating to see the game just go up in smoke barely a year in. I just hope that it can rise again for its eventual return. Though it might just be dead in the water...

As Smash clones goes this is probably the closest you will get to something like Ultimate. I can see huge potential in the slime mechanic though my monkey brain can't comprehend the nitty gritty. But even if you focus the more simple aspects of the slime meter you can still enjoy the game without feeling like you are missing out too much.

I still have to settle with a 7.
I encountered too many weird bugs and hiccups to give it anything higher.

If it just had a wee bit extra polish I could see myself pushing it to an 8.

I personally prefer Multiversus for its IP's and what that game introduced. But this is still not a bad option, not at all.

A really fun and chaotic multiplayer scavenging game.

Back in high school they used this game as a teaching tool for basic programming. I sort of have to respect it for that.