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21 hrs ago

21 hrs ago

Khalifa finished Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania
Alright, this was pretty cool. So cool to the point where I kinda can't believe Konami okay'd it. Glad they saved the best for last.

21 hrs ago

Khalifa finished Dead Cells: The Queen and the Sea
The best DLC so far! The new biomes are great and The Lighthouse was exhilarating.

21 hrs ago

Khalifa finished Dead Cells: Fatal Falls
Much like The Bad Seed, it's inoffensive.

21 hrs ago

Khalifa finished Dead Cells: The Bad Seed
It's fine, not really much else to say. The biomes are good and the boss battle is okay. It's inoffensive.

21 hrs ago

23 hrs ago

23 hrs ago

1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago

Khalifa finished Dead Cells: Rise of the Giant
The Giant is a fun boss fight and the new biomes are neat but locking the final boss behind 5BSC is not the move.

1 day ago

Artur commented on Poefred's list Common criticisms I strongly disagree with.
(forgot to comment on a few of the other entires, whoops) Though I agree the laugh scene, Triforce hunt and Water Temple are overhated, and I think I'm going crazy when I see people call Ashley such a disaster. Just put her in a trash bin and clear the area, c'mon

KH2's Atlantica is just a painfully boring rhythm minigame though. The devs knew this, since they give you an Orichalcum+ just for beating the world lmao. KH1 I think is a perfectly mediocre game, so Atlantica is just on par with the rest of it, whatever.

And you might be confusing Final Fantasy 2 and 3? FF3 has no distinct level-up system, it's a straight earn exp -> level up thing. The 3D remake does add a "buffer" when swapping jobs, maybe you mean that? If so, it's a fairly bad idea because this a game where jobs serve more as puzzle solutions than builds, so you have to constantly swap jobs around, so it's contradicting.

If you do mean FF2, I don't agree at all, the level-up system is poorly executed, and it's only tolerable in some of the remakes due to some QoL changes. It's even worse for magic spells.

1 day ago

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