I don't think it's fair to rate this, as I haven't played nearly enough to rank it amongst my completed list of games, but man... Nothing short of disappointed with Ghost of Tsushima. While I can lay the blame on the game itself for being so vapid to play and Sucker Punch for developing something so milquetoast after the InFamous titles, it's honestly all on me for fooling myself into thinking I'd enjoy an open world game for once. It can be nice to play a game like this every now and then to experience what's in vogue, but it's probably for the best that I dip out now and find something that I like playing wholeheartedly, rather than slog through a 30 hour epic solely because the same development house made games I liked 10+ years ago.

Reviewed on Aug 05, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

I should have dipped out of this game. I have no idea how I brute forced my way through it. The first few hours were really cool… but then when you realize 20 hours in, that it still feels like the first few hours…. Well… it’s a lot like suddenly realizing that you’re in the absolute middle of a swamp with alligators. Might as well continue onwards. At least it was pretty.