Rating from worst to Best:

12.) The Thing In The Lake: I hated this one, easily the least fun one here. The art style is cool, but it's just annoying every time I die because the monkey spawned in an area I cant properly loop it, or some other bullshit, then restart the whole chapter over again.

11.) Another Late Night: It's fine, I didn't really care for it one way or the other, kind of nothing to me.

10.) Undiscovered: More a style piece than anything else, and its a pretty interesting one.

9.) Arcadletra: The girl's voice acting is actually pretty unsettling, along with her just whimpering randomly.

8.) Diving Bell: This game did blue ball me pretty hard because I thought it was gonna be a real typing game, but it was just a spam the keyboard to type game, but besides that it was pretty neat.

7.) Solipsis: Short and sweet moon horror. I love using the moon in horror, and the rationalize mechanic is dope, could have been used a couple more times maybe.

6.) The Toy Shop: It's a bit all over the place, but the thats kind of what makes it cool, from its Haze-like story, to the 2D platforming, and the guns. Also that tall dude is cool, wish he was my friend.

5.) To the End of Days: I was preparing for the worst since I thought Carthunk was absolutely terrible in Dread X 1, but this was a pretty fun schlockey fps. The shotgun feels good, but why do that when you can just wait around a corner for goons to come up to you and you can split them asunder with your axe. Main character is fun.

4.) Sucker For Love: You goddamn know I wanna smooch that squid girl.

3.) Charlotte's Exile: The idea of translating an unknown language letter by letter is cool and it was fun to do. The creature who slowly stalks up on you provided the biggest scare of the collection because he is just so loud when you get him. The last puzzle could have been a bit more specific with its instructions.

2.) Squirrel Stapler: Probably my favourite looking one in this collection. That style is just so goddamn. The hunting part is fun, maybe a little too long, but hey, still fun to me.

1.) Touched by an Outer God: This is the real winner of the bunch for me. The idea of the mechanics behind this one is just shit I love. I want a good evolution game, now this ain't exactly a super crazy in depth thing like E.V.O. Maybe if it was fully thought it it could have a bunch of different evolutionary paths, but its a solid fucking base. Definitely has the most potential out of a game I would enjoy. Only complaint I really have is that the feedback on hitting enemies with melee kind of sucks.

Reviewed on Oct 31, 2021
