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Low expectations going in due to the reputation it has but enjoyed very much. Absolutely has faults namely its over simplifcation of investigations/evidence now without much depth to either and has maybe my least favorite case of the entire series frankly (If I have to hear "The End Justifies the Means" one more time I swear and I was scared Juniper was somehow going to be at the center of Case 5 when she showed up again).

For the story it told though overall I had a great time. Athena and Simon were great with their narrative and while it did overtake Apollo who gets the short end of the stick (As well as the other AJ character like Trucy and Klavier who feel contractual with how little they do) of the three they did pull it back with the ending. Case 4/5 saved the game for me honestly with how tightly it wrapped everything up despite its flaws, more then Case 4 in AJ at least RIP.


Absolutely immaculate vibes helped by one of the best soundtracks to anything. Has usual Rockstar trappings (Mission structure/pacing issues) but the storys consistently engaging chapter to chapter and the cast are all memorable. Screw the Nerds though. #GREASERSFORLIFE

It's just nice having these characters be well written again. Ace Attorney 7 is real and its name is The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog.

Captures the early 2000's Sonic confidence and willingness to try something new that has been sorely missed for the last decade. If this is the future of Sonic and what ST will develop further then I am genuinely excited to see whats next. Also GOAT Ian Flynn.

(PC Mod)

Another 2D Lost World Level. Cute aesthetic but honestly that's it as it's so short and simple.

Garbage writing/narrative but enough ideas/presentation to keep each world fun despite signifcant gameplay flaws.

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Even god himself prefers short haired girls.

For a second after I finished/closed the game and Steam said 'You have 1 new item in your inventory' I thought "This game IS immersive."

A broken version of HL1, although still beatable without skipping chapters like some people say, and Xen is still the worst part of it in general.


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Got what I wanted/expected. Gorgeous art and environments with a relaxed atmosphere, if only serviceable gameplay and minimal story. Annoyed that the robot chase sequence towards the end was only a cutscene since that could've been the only tense section of gameplay in the whole thing, but otherwise is what it says on the tin.

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The two kids in Simmer Springs: "You found all our secrets. But that means we can make new ones! Maybe at least in Chicory 2"

Chicory's Mental Health: "Aw shit here we go again"

Also good for Macaroon.

As a general mod it's fine. Weird as a remake of "Deep Down" with completely new maps that don't feel at all like the original levels apart from the one map in the third act in the cave taken straight from the original.

The pacing in particular I thought felt way worse (The intro in particular being a standout with the original being a quick and exciting ride in the car in at most 2 - 3 minutes to a somewhat drawn out tutorial which feels forced and literally walks you through a sight seeing tour of every mechanic) and ending (Ok the originals was pretty repetitive as well with taking down the four striders being identical, but at least it was more then a stroll through a bland uninteresting cave and then a awkward generator final boss that doesn't attack and then just cuts to black when it ends).

Would probably like more if it were sold as a new mod altogether although that doesn't excuse how weirdly bad Alyx's AI is.

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Probably not a good thing that the best and most impactful moment of gameplay was Chapter 18 where you literally had to do nothing. Let down by lack of choice or impact on anything in the story.

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I completely forgot that the final "Boss" is literally just Rock Paper Scissors.