It's a cute little game, with a great art style and decent enough puzzle mechanics, but the MTX are absolutely fucking insane:

Candy Crush style Stamina Meter

Free and Premium Battle Pass that both show on the same screen

"Deliveries" which basically amount to Loot Boxes that take 23 hours to can also pay to open them faster

You can also pay 24 US Dollars to guarantee the loot box has a Pokemon in it...I have received rewards from what amounts to 28 deliveries and have not received a Pokemon...and some of the Pokemon you can get from deliveries are limited time offers

"Special" deals in the store that are limited to once per day

Premium currency that you can earn by playing the game OR purchase that allows you to increase the max level of your Pokemon, speed by the deliveries, etc. You can also use it to serve a "heaping helping", which gives you double the benefits for a puzzle, allowing you to unlock Pokemon faster.

To put the premium currency into perspective, you need 1000 acrons for a heaping helping, 3000 to speed up a delivery, and 1000 to unlock a Pokemon's ability to get to level 15. You get 80 for a 3 star puzzle. That is 13 to 38 puzzles to get these bonuses naturally.

Reviewed on Aug 09, 2022
