A massive innovation in class/hero based shooters that delivered big and learned well from the follies of TF2. By leaving out modifiable loadouts, heroes can be much stronger baseline without requiring you take on debilities to get powerful tools or mobility. Beyond the massive and free hero roster, the game also sports many other innovations such as Play of the Game, match awards, Mystery Heroes and more. The maps are fantastic too, and have nice international flavor. It's all phenomenal. <3

Reviewed on Sep 16, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

As an aside, it's worth noting that the game I describe here may not exist anymore by the time you read this. Overwatch 2 is effectively replacing the first game, and many of the decisions they're making for it seem to push it away from its roots. Heroes are no longer free, they're more homogenized than before, and interesting parts of many their kits are being removed in order to make things more bland. It's sad that the purity of 6 vs 6 Overwatch may not see the light of day until they think to do "Overwatch Classic" eventually, but regardless I loved this game and enjoyed it for a long time and no amount of shitting it up with updates will change that.