This isn't even a walking simulator, this is a spacebar pressing simulator to move the dialogue along as your character is locked in 6 hours worth of in-game cutscenes.

Reviewed on Jan 13, 2023


1 year ago

Big disagree on that one. I remember quite a bit of puzzles from my playthrough. The game has 96% positive reviews on Steam, so you seem in the lowest minority by giving this game 1 star. 1 star means trash to me. Broken, unfinished, terrible in every way. Even if you don't like Rakuen's minimal gameplay, it still has wonderful art, great music and a well-written story. People like you obviously don't know how to review games and will just give games a low score based on ONE aspect, like the gameplay. Hard to take seriously.

1 year ago

96% positive reviews on steam, that means opinions can't deviate from the mass or you're a CHUD! Man you need some favourite games on your profile, you need to have at least one conviction in life sooner or later or you'll end up dying while having no original thought of your own.

1 year ago

Mate, gameplay isn't ONE aspect of video games, it's THE aspect that defines and separates video games from other art mediums. If I book a ticket for a ballet show and it turns out to be someone playing a beautiful piano symphony instead, I will not consider it a good or even decent ballet show, no matter how much people tell me that the song moved 96% of its listeners.
yo man R(ussia)otton T(oday)omatoes sayd that this agme was good you wouldnt want to be cancelled for not liking it huh ?

thats what i thought. be a good little simp and rate it 5 stars. big oof and yikes. kind of embarrassing really.

1 year ago

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