This probably is the best final fantasy has ever been in so long. A giant world with many thigns to see, multitude of fun side quests, even the side content is hella fun. I love the minigames, even if some of them overstayed their welcome. Presentation wise, it does not get better then this. It is very PS2 style in nature, from its combat, being simple but with massive depth, and its story, and characters being overly dramatic and complicated but true to heart, and it does it so well. The game drops the ball hard however by locking most of it's side content in its third act, and by the time you get there, you probably will be too exhausted to do any more side content. Thankfully, there was no need for any grind at that point, as the game is very streamlined and balanced well. The third act is spectacular, while the narrative takes the hit, the drama is done so well, with some amazing cinematics, character moments, and great set pieces. If this pace of improvements continues, I am so excited for part 3.

The boxing mini game is the best mini game RGG has made. Also this game has some of the most tragic RGG characters and stories, despite having a somewhat weak villain.

The DLC is still kicking my ass, but by the time I rolled credit on the main game, it got me feeling proud of myself and kept making me think about its world.

Finally been able to finish this game, and damn what an ending.

Appreciate a less silly yakuza, spent too much time on a mid as hell dating sim tho.

Almost perfect, feels as good as the og, as fun as the og, but it’s not the og.

That final cutscene hits so hard, it is unfortunate that I don’t enjoy playing this at all. The combat itself is amazing, especially when it comes to stealth in Ellie’s section, and the arenas themselves are fantastic, but my god I hate the level design and exploration. This game is already long and emotionally exhausting, the exploration just makes it so unbearable to me.

The music choices are great, fantastic tracks for each level's themes. I was also extremely impressed by the presentation, especially towards the third act. The combat starts off simple but quickly continues to evolve, leading to a much more creative style that never gets too complicated for the rhythm. The encounters are well varied, and the bosses have great approaches to them for the most part. Extremely excited to see if they decide to expand on this world.

Isaac Clarke James Sunderland
Going through extremely horrific and traumatizing experiences just for pussy

While brought down by a simple narrative, and it being extremely derivative and smaller in scale then Uncharted 4 through the nature of its development, this is still Naughty Dog at their peak, making one of the best end game set pieces this series has ever presented.

I finished league of legends

finally got around playing episode 5, while charming, still the weakest game in the original trilogy

At it's prime, when you're wielding the hammer and have your jetpack, this game is unmatched, achieving very cathartic fun. In its moment to moment gameplay, having no easy cover system is the best thing they added, as it allowed for a great flow of going from cover shooting to movement dodging to melee combat, where you need to be strategic about the covers you choose, but also fast enough to eliminate any danger to your cover. However, in the harder difficulty, it starts to get overwhelming, but fortunately it's never not manageable, and still is incredibly fun.

Even after ending my first run of the text-based adventure game "Roadwarden", I found myself wanting to explore more of its world. Roadwarden is a non-linear adventure game set in a harsher fantasy world, I quite love the simplicity of its vague pixel art style, helping the player imagine the layout of the area they are in, while allowing the text to spur your imagination on the scene, while the soundtrack carried its cozier tone experienced through the player's connection to the characters of this world. What impresses the most is how well the game keeps you engaged, where the pacing is impeccable. This is all accompanied by a great text, where I never found it to be repetitive, unresponsive, or too restrictive, while also managing to be fairly accessible to players with no background in text-based adventure games. Its non-linearity works very well for its nature as a role-playing game, and not once did it feel like I was doing things out of order. highly recommend it!

One of the most fulfilling video game experiences.