Complicated thoughts on this one that I need time to bring together. At the very least, though, here's some scattered thoughts:

I really appreciate the lengths they go to to connect Rapture's fall into near-fascism as a direct result of its beginning ideology. I was worried for a bit that they would place too much emphasis on Ryan's ego pushing it in that direction, but they handled it nicely.

The directional sound is some of the worst I've ever heard. I had no idea how close or far away anything was or in what direction it was in. Every time I tried to follow what I heard, it was dead wrong.

That twist was silly and the whole final sequence felt like a bit much.

Racism and stuff?

The tactical combat was a fun novelty, but far too clumsy to use many of the more interesting plasmids. I'm not sure I got enrage to work properly once in my entire playthrough.

I can't shake a bit of frustration that this game involves so much indiscriminate mowing down of addicts while everything it's trying to say is wrapped up in audio logs and environmental design. The conversation surrounding this has been played out for years and years, but it does feel contradictory and weird.

I guess the best way I can sum Bioshock up is that every element of it is ambitious, well-intentioned, and novel...but is ultimately very clumsy. Clumsy clumsy clumsy, but worth a play regardless.

Reviewed on Jul 23, 2021

1 Comment

very fair and true