For games like an Outer Wilds, Hypnospace,(2 of my GOATs) Witness(eugh), etc. I learned an interesting proposed genre name, "Mentalvania". I would personally also submit Metroidbrainia or Infovania, but all three work. It's for any of these games where you don't quite get real "powerups" or unlock shortcuts by altering the game too much if at all, but you observe and learn the closed system and interact with it in your own way.

Nuts is one of these boys. I think it's one of my favorite not-actually-one-but-maybe-will-catch-on genres, since most(except witness) are pretty great. This one is never as eureka-inducing as like an Outer Wilds, but every discovery or happy accident with your cameras does give a milder version of that feeling.

Squirrels are very cute! The ending is sad but in a beautiful way. The game looks cool, though some palettes are a little challenging. The story is light. but interesting.

Wash away all but the squirrels (prayer emoji).

Reviewed on Dec 23, 2022
