223 reviews liked by andfelcaslop

Esse aqui é mais legal do que deveria. Um minigame de manivela do Playdate com muito humor, fácil de entender e divertido de ficar jogando.

It reminded me that life can be magical and not everything needs to be complex. It can be simple and loving, like this game.
Me lembrou que a vida pode ser mágica e nem tudo precisa ser complexo. Pode ser simples e com carinho, que nem esse jogo.

I really wanted to like this and then I realized I was trying to make myself enjoy it when I just wanted to finish it so I could move it on backloggd. The music is soooo good, it reminds me of if Hideki Nagamuma did the soundtrack for the Japanese version of Undercover Cops. The visual style is so cute. But the dog handles like a lead balloon. He's so floaty but it's so hard to recalibrate a jump midair. I felt like I was fighting the game itself instead of the enemies in it.

Grapple Dog is polished to a sparkle. It's really a blast to play, it just instantly feels fun, and the level design is effortlessly intuitive. The pixel art is SO CLEAN too, it's kind of mesmerizing.

My biggest issues with the game lay with the gameplay itself. I've seen some other comments mentioning the motion feeling off somehow, but honestly I got used to it as the game went, although specifically when Pablo is in his rolled-up ball animation, he really does tend to fly around at the touch of a button and becomes way too hard to control precisely, which is sometimes required. My bigger issue was with the grappling hook, which unfortunately is kind of the core of the game.

The grappling hook has three angles: up, up-left, and up-right. I don't think this ever felt right. It forces you to make shots at weird angles when you'd rather just tilt it a bit more this way or that way. This is one of those things that's not really meaningful to someone who hasn't played the game, so I'll leave it at that.

One other major game design issue that I'm still confused about: checkpoints don't work like they do in... every other game. And by that I mean, if you touch a checkpoint, it doesn't save your progress, and it doesn't heal you. It only works once. This sounds like a little nitpick, but it seriously messed with my playthrough several times in ways that made me restart a level when I was 80% done with it. This is because if you hit a checkpoint, then go back and collect some gems or fruits, if you die before hitting another checkpoint, you have to redo it all. Even worse, the level might block you from going back after you die because certain gates will reset. It's also just frustrating to lose health right next to a checkpoint and instead of being able to quickly touch it and get going once again, I would often just die on purpose or open the menu to restart at the checkpoint, which just felt so unnecessary. Very odd choice that I saw no benefit from.

Other than some gameplay flaws, it's a really, really solid platformer that is so easy to get into and hardly needs any carrots-on-sticks to get you playing more.

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Se você é um especialista em plataformas 3D, ou adora entender e dominar sistemas de ação complexos, ou apenas se diverte tentando montar um grande combo, você será capaz de superar os bugs e se divertir em Penny's Big Breakaway. Não só o título foi feito para jogar desta forma, mas você também poderá desfrutar dos ótimos visuais e da incrível trilha sonora que ele tem a oferecer. Mas, se você buscava uma experiência mais tranquila, com uma curva de aprendizado mais equilibrada, ainda pode se divertir, mas não sem uma frustração constante e borrifada. Existem jogos mais convidativos no mercado para você e este não parece que foi criado pra rodar bem (!) com públicos mais variados.

Conceito simples e que já foi feito milhares de vezes, que é esses jogos de craft onde você começa com poucos elementos e vai criando mais coisas. O diferencial é que nesse realmente da pra ir longe e criar personagens de cultura pop e coisas engraçadas.
É bastante viciante.

Como eu queria um desses feito por brasileiros. Imaginem todas as possibilidades. Juntar pessoa + relógio e sair Faustão. Disco + Diabo e sair a Xuxa. Seria bom demais.

I want to eat this game. The environments are gorgeous, I want to live in most of these courses so bad! Hope I can get my friends to hop on sometime