Got around to replaying this and I liked it a lot more than I remember. So many well thought out and interesting missions in this game that any downtime doesnt really have a shot to linger. My only issue with the game is that I cant ever seem to locate the lesbian character, I know she exists but does she just hate me where the fuck is that woman.

Standing in a big pile of blood YURI!!!!!

Feels like I'm in the minority of people who prefer the original release. Regardless of that though I can't deny they did a fantastic job remaking one of my favorite games of all time. All of the new mechanics feel amazing to use, theres a lot more to do than in the original. And manages to update the game to feel more in line with the later entries. An excellent remake all around and a must play for anyone who loves the original game.

For all the discourse surrounding this game you would expect it to be sorta gross and offensive but not really? I think the game starts out strong but kinda loses any interesting setups it has after the first hour. The main 2 are decently entertaining but not really that compelling. Feels like these 2 would make for excellent side characters in a story with a different focus. Overall not a bad game but just super messy. Couldn't really recommend it

Pretty good but where I think this game improves in the gameplay. Which is super fun and engaging. The story sorta faulters compared to the original. It loses a lot of simplicity and ends up with a lot of moving threads that never fully connect. The endgame feels super messy and all over the place because you're trying to tie up 4 different plotlines in order to stop a very unclear threat. Shouldn't have disposed of the twist villain after 5 minutes I guess.

A little weaker than the first game but it's definitely worth playing if you liked the first one. It's tone and writing feels super faithful to what the original was going for.

Why would you market your game as the return of Maya Fey when shes in it for 20 minutes

After 400 hours in starting to think this game might be a bit fun

Very messy and weird at points and I don’t think it ever really had any legitimately incredible moments or characters but it was decent. Unfortunately just a bit weak compared to everything else in this franchise

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still dont really like this one tbh.
fun enough cast, great atmosphere, and some neat ideas but it kinda fails with the writing and how a ton of scenes feels more like the writer dumping info on you so he can set up a pretty decent ending sequence but kinda forgot to develop a lot of the characters in the game, the villain especially was just straight up bad going from a chill funny old dude to irredeemable monster who is willing to let children die for his stupid experiments. The puzzles also ranged from pretty good to straight up awful.

okay yea the last hour of this game is unbelievably amazing straight up some of the best ive ever read in a visual novel and the core of Phoenix's character are is just so incredibly well done. I kinda wish chapter 2 and 3 were better though they're not terrible but they feel kinda pointless for the most part but there is something genuinely incredible near the end of the game i just kinda wish a chunk in the middle was a bit better