165 reviews liked by battlehuntz

In the anime series Yu Yu Hakusho, there is an object called the Chapter Black which showcases all of humanity's misdeeds and is depicted as so horrifying that it causes anyone who watches it to show nothing but utter contempt for humanity.
The real world equivalent is a multiplayer game of New Super Mario Bros. Wii.

This fucking game is the reason I haven't been playing anything else. One of the best MP games of all time, argue with the wall

really hoping we don’t have to wait another two decades for metroid 6

Undoubtedly one of the best monster tamers of all time, its mechanics are so varied and creative that one playthrough will probably only scratch the surface of just what is possible to do in this game. Combat is extremely challenging yet satisfying. I think this game's biggest downsides are a lack of small QoL changes to make battles faster, the post-game content becoming way too repetitive, and one of the last super bosses is simply just not fun to fight. The plot and characters are also great, and the monster designs are spot on.

Just finished Disc 2 and the twist that everyone hypes up as "ruining the game" is something that, while kinda corny, is such a nonissue that all it does is prove that everyone who hates this game is simply too weak
Go back to using a bad fan theory to cope with your inability to recognize a good game, losers

i am not immune to akechi goro or kitagawa yusuke

can't tell if it's just the time between me playing p5 initially as a teenager and playing royal now or if there are that many changes to the experience (playing with the female protagonist mod probably helped a bit), but royal made me fall in love with persona 5 again.
the game still has its issues; ann and ryuji are treated terribly, morgana is still not nearly as compelling of a character as the game seems to think he is, the okumura arc is still not great, and haru/makoto are still without much substance, etc. etc. likewise however the game still hits a great stride with sae's palace onward, and the new third semester content makes that stride even better.
akechi was already the best character in base game and giving him more of a spotlight was one of the best choices atlus has ever made. maruki and the story and themes of the third semester in general are also some of the best work atlus has put out in a long time as pretty much anyone will tell you, but sadly yoshizawa does not hit that same mark at all. she's definitely at least somewhat compelling near the end of it all but i really don't think she was important enough to be like the biggest head on the boxart and i do think i would've preferred her as just a female protagonist option or something.
playing royal honestly made me stop feeling insane seeing people i know talk about how great persona 5 was after my impressions of vanilla made way for me not really caring all that much, and while it isn't the best persona game (it isn't even the best out of the modern trilogy lol) it's a really great time and i'm glad i wasted 100+ hours of my life again on this one. you really just have to take modern persona for what it is instead of what you want it to be and you'll end up enjoying yourself a lot, i think

When I heard that the Sonic Mania team were making an original 3D platformer of their own it was an instant day one purchase for me no matter what. Despite obvious Mario Odyssey / Galaxy inspiration, this is really going to be unlike any platformer you've played before. At first the movement feels strange and it's a lot to learn and get used to, and this will cause some people to fall off it and give up on it much like with 3D Sonics, but if you are willing to put in the time it eventually becomes second nature to rack up massive stylish combos in these stages. Using the right stick for the yoyo makes everything feel so much better. Skill ceiling is crazy high here and there's so many ways to use momentum to your advantage to save so much time. Visual style is remincent of the later SEGA consoles and Tee Lopes has outdone himself with the soundtrack.

I'm not going to pretend the game doesn't have its fair share of jank, but it was honestly such a refreshing joy to play and I have already replayed its levels a bunch and can see myself continuing to do that. I remember Mania having problems at launch too so I think it will become more polished over time. If you like deceptively complex platformers that have lots of player expression, or liked Odyssey movement but want challenging level designs that actually make use of all those tricks, I think it's going to be a game for you. I'm not so bitter about the fact Mania 2 will never exist anymore...

A very hardcore dark-fantasy role-playing game that is role-playing right down to the roots. The massive field map and powerful enemies serve to rev up both your sense of adventure and your sense of dread. The sheer happiness you get after the trial-and-error pays off and you overcome the challenge is absolutely impossible to replicate.

Bill Clinton was right about this series and one of the many problems with his shitty fucking crime bill was that it didn’t call for everyone behind this game’s creation to be locked up without trial