I've been tapped out of the Call of Duty franchise for most of the past decade and it seems I shouldn't have even let the morbid curiosity of its PS+ freebie status draw me back in.

It's staggering the how much the devs have continued to milk this franchise without offering any meaningful updates to the core experience. What was fun in the halcyon days of Call of Duty 4 (albeit to a 14 year old me) just feels utterly rote and stale now. While the campaign is well crafted enough (aside from setpieces—why are they so damn stiff and clunky?) and the mechanics behind it are tight by virtue of being so tried and true... it's just not interesting anymore, guys. Tack on the story, which the writers and voice actors have approached with a level of such self-serious bro sentimentality that even Zack Snyder would be taken aback, and the experience becomes difficult to appreciate even ironically (a true shame).

The multiplayer is the same as it's always been other than that your people can dance and say dumbass one-liners in the lobby. Just about sums up the evolution of online gaming culture at least.

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2020
