i really dislike the gameplay changes this patch brings

will be like a 5/10 withouth mods,its okay with mods

strong 6 to light 7

improvement over pes 2014,still trash

light 3

this game on the ps3 was genuinly amazing

not the best gameplay but the music is incredibly and the gamemodes are extremely fun

has probably the best gameplay out of any football game but the gamemodes are lackluster,probably top 3 or top 5 football game

fifa 13 with little improvements and changes like not having to press r2 to do skills new ui transfer network and better movement,but it has way worse music and vibes and isnt as big of a change as fifa 12 to 13,but its about as good i say

going from fifa 13 to this is extremely rough,gameplay is tottaly different in a way that makes this game more unprecise and slower,against the ai most games will be a 0-0 because is (at least in my experience not abusing mechanics and using meta players) too easy to defend and too hard to get through a wall of defenders since movement is really clunky,passes are way too slow and attacking ai is near non existent

it really suprises me just how better fifa 13 is on all fronts

strong 4 to light 5


i need to play the online for this game,but not much to say,just one of the most influential games of all time and a million step forwards compared to games like doom,way more interesting gunplay and movement,much more vertical level design and an amazing aesthetic overall

the online for this game looks dope af i need to play it

on replay,i dont really like the gameplay on this game and was blinded by nostalgia,this happens with every ps2 pes but seriously is not fun at all if you dont play with the right tactics,the ai is trash with players making absolutely no runs except you do it manually,passes with even the best players in the game are extremely unprecise and lock onto the wrong players,the movement is stiff af,pace and pressure are op like in almost every football game,the shooting button is WAY to sensible,shooting in general just feels like luck.

but on the right circumstances it can be fun and the gamemodes are top tier and has cool graphics

dont forget that the best city possible in this game is a hellish view full of unused parking spots,no roads with the only way to transport yourself via metro and the only living space are extremely samey and simitrically placed buildings,the madness known as magnasanti is a disgusting but at the sametime extremely impressive work of more than 7 years and complex engineering and mathematics.

this game is so bad,it kind of has an aura to it

Decent game but overall stepdown from the original

+The game is just fun to play

+A lot of the things that i like in the original are here,the bullet projectiles,bullet time,comic intermissions,wide variety of settings with a similar overall aesthetic (last game was snowing this game is raining)

+Plenty of quality of life changes

+Way better graphics than the original,especially physics wise,now you have good ragdolls and every object has physics,not only being fun but also serving a purpose in combat as cover.

+The new bullet time mechanic is cool af,dodging bullets matrix like will never not be dope

+There are some pretty cool levels like the dreams or part 2 finale

-Game is WAY to easy,the new bullet time mechanic is cool af,is way to op,you can basically always suffer no damage since you can dodge bullets because they are projectiles.you dont have to be half as paranoid and alert as in the first game and that was one of my fav things about it

-Game is way to short,even the last one was a little short,this one is a whole 2 hours shorter,this is the reason for a lot of the errors that the game has

-You get almost all of the guns out of the bat,making progression almost non existent,this also makes some guns unviable or useless,like why would i ever use the double berretas when i have double deagle,and why would i use the double deagles when i have double ingrams and why would i use the double ingrams if i have the ak 47,or did you remember that you had a sniper rifle with max?,they nerfed tf out of it in this game putting it with more than 5 bullets in like the last level,and in that level it isnt that useful.

-That ties to another problem that is that the new guns feel to samey,like the mp5 apart from the scope has the same use that the ak,also the m4 feels way too like the ak,and you get way more bullets in the ak so you will never use it,double barrel shotty is still trash,melee is useless,you most of the time will be using the same 3 or 4 guns and the explosives

-They give you way to many consumables,making surviving and managing resources a joke,especially with the painkillers,i basically have whole health near full playthrough with painkillers to spare,or with the ammo that you can pretty much just use 2 weapons for the whole playthrough if you wanted

-That also ties to another problem is that projectiles just kind of suck,since they give you like ten of them at all times they have to nerfed them and neither of them one shot enemies so most of the time they only serve to finish of enemies,shot them while they are stunlocked or to throw multiples at a choke point

-Way too many characters introduced,most of them dont get any progression or screentime,and are killed off in a matter of minutes,making them forgettable and take time of the story.

-One of the best things of the original game was the amount of intricate metaphores and funny liner or moments,and this game just doesnt have a lot of that,it takes itself too seriously and is too linear in its writing

-The romance story line can get a little annoying sometimes

Overall,even though i gave it a lot of shit,it still has fun to play gameplay and an decent story
Light 7 to Decent 7

another game that is the defnition of mid