PayPal: You received $100,000 from The Bonfire Captain
The Bonfire Captain: He won't treat you like i do baby
The Bonfire Captain: baby please don't text The Devil back
The Bonfire Captain: Missed Calls (500)
The Devil: daddy long dick just landed baby, what's up

oozes charm from start to finish. some of the sections are weaker than others, but incredible overall.

a game so good that it can literally ruin your life


Frictional's best work by far. the worst part of the game is the evasion and hiding stuff that has been played out since the middle of Amnesia:TDD. play this with the no enemies mod if you haven't played it but get scared off by the survival horror stuff!

man the last third of this game sucks

a detective noir that has been blown out, artifacted, and compressed and saved over and over again that eventually tumbles into your mailbox in the form of a Free AOL disc


beautiful and perfect


a game that has absolutely full confidence in its own themes, gameplay, and texture that pulls no punches

an incredible idea that created a real sense of dread that persisted outside of the game that has yet to be paralleled. ultimately, the amount that the game was "solved" by a lot of people by the time that i got playing somewhat broke it for me.

Swimmer, Photographer, Nerd, and Boy... my DMs are open.

i'll message you first Stalker, don't worry

i feel like this game is almost universally misunderstood due to its comparisons to its predecessor. it's a game that strips a lot of the most frustrating parts of The Dark Descent and boils them down to a more narratively interesting game, but most people left disappointed because it had less jumpscares and felt more like a "walking simulator" to them.

let me tell you something, the best horror games are, in fact, mostly walking simulators! fear of the unknown that is allowed to fester and build dread over time as the rich plot themes bubble over is much more interesting than having to wait for an enemy's patrol route to go in the specific way you need to sneak by over and over and over. having an unreliable narrator who is much more of a character than a near-blank slate everyman is wholly more powerful. also, the music of this game owns. back off haters!!!!

for a brief period of time, i believe that i was the greatest Animal Crossing: Sweet Day mini-game player in the world (playing as the dogs). my friends and i easily put in over 100 hours to this game in one winter alone.

better than it has any right to be for a game that's basically a tech demo.

cowardly in almost every way, brought up to two stars by a few high points

a worse version of the original that doesn't trust the player to be able to figure things out. this changes all the bosses to play like more boring AAA-ified versions of their former selves, as well as some other specific sidequest changes. at least it allows you to jump to specific hours!

this game is the feeling of walking into the kitchen knowing you were just about to do something but can't remember what. this game is the feeling of breathing manually and not being able to stop. it is a half-thought.

isabelle, i still love you and forgive you for this