59 Reviews liked by consternac1on

he llegado a amenazar a mis amigos de muerte por este juego de mierda, mis amigos han llegado a amenazarme de muerte
que gran juego, la verdad

the problem with this game, at least for me, is the total lack of objectives or real, obvious things to work for. i get that the game is going for just being a pure survival experience, but i guess that kind of pure survival experience just isnt for me. its such a shame too, considering how well designed all the systems are.

tiene muchas mecanicas de survival interesantes como tratar heridas especificas con diferentes metodos o que se te corte el suministro electrico y de agua a medida que avanzan los dias pero los locos que lo estan haciendo creo que se murieron o algo asi y agregan un arbol cada 1 año

este juego es hermoso


nfs underground: pornhub edition

5 year old me shaking my head and sighing whenever the very horny House Special plays in case my mom walks by so she knows I also don't approve of it

this is what every sewerslvt fan looks like

why does this game's description say " game that will try to scare you without too many of the typical "screamers"" i played this at 2am got jumpscared and almost shit myself
