Beaten: Apr 09 2022
Time: 16 Hours
Platform: Xbox Series X

Lol I've gotta stop tricking myself into thinking I'll like these triple A action games. It was very fine, fun enough on a base mechanical level, but missing something. Not any one thing in particular, mind you, but more of a reason for being.

There's a lot of little places I think it misses the mark though. The mechanical progression feels a bit weak to me, and while the level design is pretty good, the placement of shortcuts feels kinda random. Like, it's got this Uncharted Dark Souls thing going on, where you're platforming and climbing and criss crossing through these little intricate levels, but when you have to go back out I just always felt deflated.

The bigger issues I have are related to the story though. This feels like a game that should've had a real drive to it, or some kind of moral dilemma (star wars is rich with those as a setting) but instead there's just a vague quest propped up by Rogue One references for the first 3/4 of the game.

There's a bit of a turnaround near the end, where it seems like it's going to try to make some kind of statement on the Jedi, and whether their order is worth rebuilding, but it shirks from taking the question seriously. It assumes the good guys are the good guys, and doesn't really develop them further than that. There's no real drama to it as a result, despite trying to come across as a real movie-type-triple a game.

It's not a bad game, but it's nothing I'd return to, whether for my star wars or soulslite fixes.

Reviewed on May 25, 2022
