Great presentation but I didn't find this very fun.

Cool stuff but kind of hurts my eyes after awhile lol

Oops Diablo 4 is fun 🫣

It’s amazing what reducing your battle pass from 100 spaces to only 50 can do for motivation lol. I’m enjoying the new maps, especially that Needler mine what a stunning place, and I’m looking forward to FireFight. Halo Infinite is so much fun. I think the new management they have is already doing wonders for the game.

24/7 Shipment is back baby lol

The 16 Bit Kamen Rider music and transformation are sublime but this is one of the worst beat ‘em ups I’ve ever played. Couldn’t finish.

Still a fun game but doesn't live up to the potential of what it could have been. The original is so much better.

Using this to log Born from a Wish

Presentation is good and I really enjoy the weapon selection but this game just isn’t really well thought out. Randomly generated levels and every room being filled to the brim with enemies is not my idea of fun. Was really into this for the first few levels but it’s quickly dipping in quality for me. Might pick it up again later but honestly I’m not rushing to do so.

Really like the way the game feels but I kind of wish it was more stealth based and you didn’t have to rely on your weapons the whole time. Still a very cool game