"I could delete her but I never could harm Monika. So I'm trapped here forever, where's my harmonica?" - Top ten greatest lyrics of all time

It’s good but a bit overpriced :/

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Your hair smells nice.

Grief can show itself in ‘interesting’ ways


Really fun :) some cool scenarios too

Missed opportunity to call it ‘Goodbye Neighbor’

I don’t like the turn the story took after Game Theory made a video about it (not ‘blaming’ GT at all btw !! it’s the devs) Simple good story >>>>>> Messy, convoluted, lore heavy theory-bait

There isn’t really any replayability but there really doesn’t need to be, it’s still a fantastic experience with amazing art. :))

Masaru deserved/deserves more love, he was my favorite of the warriors

Wtf is wrong with the picture tho, they all need to be moved ⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️ this way


Gets boring after like 20 mins (sorry)