466 reviews liked by gamegear

Yeah i mean it obviously didnt age well but its a interesting look at the beginning of RPGs.
Also the Cover art goes hard

Absolute Trash. Barely worth the effort just to beat the first stage. Very little reason to play this at all.

Worse than the PC-88 version because everything runs extremely slow and I'm not a fan of some of the monster redesigns.

People out there have beaten this game and I am genuinely astounded as to how, this shit is impossible

I'll give it props for inspiring Ys and Legend of Zelda but this is so shit to play

If all they can do is program a stick figure knight on a maze of snot green against a blue backdrop, then why did they bother making the cover look so cool

Good game but Shin Megami Tensei I did the whole enemy recruitment thing better.

I played this game in a single sitting the same way someone would eat an entire one-pound block of extra sharp cheddar cheese on their day off because they’re depressed: I knew that I shouldn’t do it, I knew that I wouldn’t even enjoy it in the moment, and I knew that I’d be paying for it later on, but I did it anyway

Amy may not be a baller - figuratively and literally, - but getting to play as her in the best 2D sonic is a treat either way.

Nice spin dash you got there... Would be a real shame if someone were to… take it out of your moveset

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