Narratively the game does slam you over the head with its themes and messaging but when your game is about Nazis ruling over America I can forgive that. Gameplay wise BJ feels a lot better to control, tearing through Nazis feels better than ever, but some of the newer mechanics dont do much for me; feels like they saw DOOM 2016's evolution of Quake's gameplay and thought they had to do something similar, ultimately feeling tacked on rather than really integrated into the gameplay flow. I also don't care much for the continued focus on stealth, I think Wolfenstein is a much better experience when you're firing on all cylinders. Still, I like your arsenal of weapons and when in the heat of the moment, Wolfie 2 is a lot of fun. There are key moments when the game threatens that fun with an onslaught of difficulty, but I was able to push through and come out satisfied. Overall I think I like New Order and Old Blood more, at least narratively and thematically, but New Colossus was an enjoyable affair and I wish MachineGames had continued down this road, rather than making the bizarre pivot Young Blood appears to be.

Reviewed on Aug 28, 2022
