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3 days ago

Stairmaster_ finished Devil May Cry 2
You can tell this was rushed, but still has some potential as seen how additions to Dante's moveset (like dodging) was added to future games. But it's still very not good, although not devoid of enjoyment. The story has no coherence whatsoever. I don't feel like playing Lucia's route at all.

10 days ago

Stairmaster_ is now playing Devil May Cry 2

13 days ago

Stairmaster_ finished Devil May Cry
I have a much stronger appreciation for it on replay; for being one of the first games of its kind, it's amazing how much this game gets right, but also it's one of those games that has so much depth I'm still learning more about it years after my initial playthrough. The camera still sucks unfortunately, but I think anyone who likes action games needs to play this.

13 days ago

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