there's a moment in moon where the "HERO" is drunk at a restaurant, doesn't knowing how to advance. after killing all those "Bad Monsters", "helping" all those people, entering without invite in all those houses and taking possession of all those objects, he's lost. he is at the maximum level that he can obtain, but what then?

the "HERO" lacks of love.

in fact, everyone in moon's world is searching for love: consciously or not; for know what it is, what is for and who can possess it. love is a mystery and everyone wants to know how to discover it. you, the protagonist, is the one who help those thirsty for love by... living your life. you see, There Is Someone(s) that indeed knows what love is and want you to collect it - but i won't tell who! you do it by helping people in different ways: fishing, listening, catching their souls, telling that they actually are a robot (do technopolis habitants dreams about MOON: REMIX RPG ADVENTURE?) and all sort of different things.

they say you find love in small things, and perhaps someone would say that moon is a game about finding love in the minor aspects of our day. i wouldn't say they are incorrect, but a letter of love is A Big Deal to the one who sent it, as well to the one who received it. the size of what we love is measure by our heart perspective.

moon: remix rpg adventure is a small, old, indie game, but in my heart, is a gigantic thing that i love.

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2021
