extremely great sense of momentum, great sound design, maybe a little hard to decode visually but that's only a problem in the "Liberation" stages where you are playing towards a specific objective beyond "move right".
it actually does manage to tell a story pretty well, although by the time you are chasing a helicopter through the trees it veers towards comic heavy-handedness. The heavy-handedness is in service of a good message that is well-enforced by the mechanics - the trees feel so good to swing through, and the deforestation is bleak and alien, and the cities are baffling and confusing but not impossible. You can feel how gibbons live best in their natural environment, and they can adapt, and people can adapt, but adaptation is difficult.
i finished the story and immediately wanted to keep playing. the liberation mode isn't as well tuned. that's fine. it's actually nice to be able to stop playing a game after a few hours.

Reviewed on Jun 13, 2022
