pretty thin package here, hoping they add the rest of the game eventually.

loved it except the final boss which felt ridiculously difficult

definitely "more of the same" but i like the way it feels to fight big robots with a bow so i like it.

feels like an HD remaster of a PS2 survival horror game that nobody played, and that's a compliment


finally finished the final boss, but it took me months and almost turned me off of the game entirely which, other than that hiccup, i enjoyed a lot.

i had a very good time with this game. short and sweet.

I thought the trailers looked real rough but this ended up being a lot of fun. I liked this version of these characters more than the movies too.

pretty to look at, except i still think the main character is a bit of a wiener


the game introduces a lot of fun new mechanics right before the credits roll

not a good game, but i wanted to play something silly and repetitive so i guess it was a success in that regard