The combat is very fun, just so much to do and I just didnt have the momentum to finish. I should come back one day and finish.

Not quite as much of a pure experience as the original Dark Souls, but a beautiful, difficult journey.


I heard you like orbs, so I put an orb inside your orb inside your orb.

Zelda just doesnt do it for me, tho I spent a lot of time here and all I have left is beating Gannon but Ill probably never do that.

They nailed the web slinging.

Not as good as Yakuza zero but still very fun.

Was really funny at times but was a bit of a slog towards the end.

Fun fighting, minigames that are polished and addictive, great humor throughout and of course an excellent engaging story. A masterpiece.

My favorite of all the humongous games I played growing up.

The only baseball game I played a full 162 game schedule.

Fun game mostly just to play with friends.

So here I am, growing older all the time,
Looking older all the time,
Feeling younger in my mind