I enjoy this series a lot, but I felt that True Colors never fully reached the full potential of its concept. Being able to see and feel the emotions of others is a very interesting idea. Sometimes the game had confidence to explore this topic by fully transforming the area around you to reflect the emotional state of the characters, but other times it was just "look at this painting that makes me mad."

There were some big highlights for me, such as the ending chapter, the depiction of the downside of empathy (taking on too many emotions that are not your own), and I genuinely liked most of the characters. Though the game's story, the big thing that you're supposed to attach to in a game like this, had very hit-or-miss writing where at times it pulls your heartstrings, and at others makes you groan, and at the worst of times, makes you LARP for an hour and you almost die of cringe.

I still liked the game alright, but it could've been better.

Reviewed on Jan 17, 2022
